
The enterprise ZZI d. o. o. is the service provider for the automated business processes and electronic data interchange (EDI), interchange of eInvoices and other types of documents under different standards in the company or with the partners in the economic sector, Public Administration and the international business. 

The enterprise ZZI is the provider of digital solutions and services that in certain industries stand in for classic telephone and paper communication between the partners and optimise, digitalise and automate the processes between the partners.
Customs Systems Development

From the very beginning, that is from the formation of the enterprise ZZI, experts and technical staff of the enterprise ZZI had been actively engaged in the development of customs information systems. There is a successful cooperation between the Customs Administrations of the Republic of Slovenia and Montenegro since both states gained their independence.

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eBusiness with Partners

With the knowledge and experiences obtained during the enterprise’s overall business activities we’re developing and currently upgrading deployment of the solutions and services for digital linking of companies with the partners and eInterchange.

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eBusiness Support

Our principal aim is to provide the accessibility of the paperless business and EDI interchange in a real time either for small- size or for large- size companies. Our applications and solutions are customized to the requirements of individual industries and in this way we are able to solve many problems at all levels of the users. 


Development of Solutions per Order

Development of the information solutions for the public administrations and business systems are provided by us by thorough knowledge and understanding of the procedures, project management and the quality development provision, as well as the implementation management. 

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Upon deployment of eInvoices in the public administration we with our partners were the pioneers in this field of operating activity – the first eInvoicie transmitted into the environment of UJP (Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia) was sent through bizBox eInterchange service.    

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Copyright, ZZI d.o.o., 2025