Solutions for External Trade 

ZZI solutions for external trade provide complete control, management and paperless performance of all customs, export-import procedures for the companies and forwarding agents. External trade solutions operate in compliance with the international standards and contents approved by FURS (Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia) and EU TAXUD, therefore the certified solutions for external trade procedure and reviews can be executed automated, credible, quick and reliable.

Import, Export

Packaged software ZZI solutions for external trade is designed for the preparation, reviewing, archiving and lodging of customs declarations and all other required documents essential for the execution of customs procedures either on the side of imports or exports. There is also a support to the performance of import and export control procedures (ICS and ECS).

The external trade solution facilitates lodging, correction and control of data for the implementation of customs clearance and the electronic messages interchange – electronic lodging of declarations through the internet. Beside the manual data lodging also automated capture of prepared data from the existing user’s information system and export of data for the business system of the user are available. For calculating duties and selection of code tables (TARIC, exchange rates, …) data and functions of the Customs Administration shall be applied through the network service, providing access to up-to-date code tables and rules. 

The users of the package may be either importers, exporters (local clearance) or theirs agents (forwarding agents), operations with more authorisations are provided. In additional modules we’re also offering the option of simplified manual lodging and monitoring of the invoices. The forwarding agents use the data from invoices for the preparation of declarations and for charging performed services to their customers.

ZZIeul ensures a complete support for the implementation of customs procedures in the field of exports and imports with simplified procedures, e-Business and bookkeeping entries.  . 
Custom clearance linking in your business process and electronic business simplify the operating activities with the Financial Administration by always up-to-date versions which conform to the statutory provisions.


Solutions for Import and Export Control Procedures

For the performance of import and export control procedures, the enterprise ZZI under the set of solutions provides a module ZZIecs  and ZZIics solutions.  ZZIecs offers the carrier or the carrier’s agent simplified electronic notification of goods and transmission of information in a form of the exit summary declaration to be lodged at the office of exit from the EU.
ZZIics offers the carrier or the carrier’s agent simplified performance of the import control procedures, notification of goods and transmission of information in a form of the entry summary declaration which has to be presented at the first office of entry in EU and shall cover all prescribed data. 


Solution for Transit Procedures

Customs transit shall be applied for the movement of goods between two points of one or more customs territories. It provides temporary customs and duty-suspension arrangements arising from the import, as well as carrying out the customs procedures at the final destination of goods rather than at the entry of goods in the Customs Union.

ZZI solution for the transit procedures implementation is designed for the preparation and interchange of the electronic transit documents. The system provides review, logging and control or the exchange of customs messages – electronic lodging. The automated data capture of prepared documents from the user’s existing information system shall be possible beside the manual data entry. 

ZZIncts (NCTS EU Transit procedures) facilitates the NCTS procedures on the side of arrivals and dispatch at any location. Lodging and management of the transit procedures and shipments in the system shall be simplified and accessible 24 h per day, all days of the year, assuring better quality of transit services to the users and shall cut down the  costs of business activities of the users.  


Solution for Intrastat Reporting

Intrastat is the statistics of trade in goods between the member states of the European Union (EU) where the data is collected by the statistical forms directly from the reporting units.

We in the enterprise ZZI have developed the solution titled ZZIstat for the preparation and electronic logging of INTRASTAT reports, providing for effective way of preparation, transmission, correction and management of Intrastat report.  Package facilitates lodging, conversion and control of items of INTRASTAT forms, the electronic log-in of the statistical reports and automation of the monthly Intrastat reporting for the movements of goods within EU. 

Beside the manual data capture automated capture of prepared data from the user’s existing system  can be feasible. Reporting support for more reporting units under one solution is provided.  

The users of ZZIstat package are importers, exporters and their agents.



Movements of Excisable Goods 

Each movement of the goods under the excise control system has to be declared to the Customs through the electronic excise document. ZZIemcs solution is designed for the companies accepting and dispatching the excisable goods (oil products, alcohol, tobacco, etc). The user may, on the dispatch site, log-in the excise documents and on the acceptance site the user may present the certificate of receipt.

ZZIemcs provides simplified and reliable interchange of the excise documents via EMCS system. The interoperability with the other systems and applications of the user is smooth and facilitates the interoperability with the company’s existing information system.

Copyright, ZZI d.o.o., 2025