04. 06. 2018
Booklet “e-Invoicing in Slovenia” just published
In the framework of awareness raising and educational activities, that accompany ROSE Action – »Readiness of Slovenian e-Invoicing«, conducted by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective with the financial support from the European Union, a booklet titled "e-Invoicing in Slovenia” was published last week.

The booklet presents the current state of e-Invoicing in Slovenia and illustrates its benefits, but also puts the eBusiness in the wider European context. Through e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU, further development of this field in the EU is described and interoperability and European semantic standard EN 16931 are underlined.
The main part of the booklet presents the solutions, developed in the framework of ROSE Action, such as national database of eInvoice recipients and software solutions for eInvoice exchange both for budget users and for public procurement contractors other than budget users. The publication emphasizes that it is very important for the efficient implementation of processes that the entire process from the issue, transmission, distribution, receipt, processing, payment and storage of the e-invoice is entirely electronic.
As a result, e-commerce is currently being transferred from generally adopted e-invoices to other business documents that are used in supply and other business processes (e.g. purchase order, delivery note, etc.). In the near future, we can expect an additional increase in the exchange of electronic business documents in Slovenia and the European Union.